Kala and Keith's Surprise First Dance

You always hear stories of “bridezillas” but very rarely do you hear of a bride sharing the spotlight on her special day but Shelby did just that. When asked to describe the most special moment of her wedding day, Shelby wrote about the first dance she surprised her friend Kala and her new husband with.

“One of our close friends got married the week before us, I was a bridesmaid her wedding, and she was one in ours. Unfortunately, at her reception, there was a glitch with the sound system, and they could never get her first dance song to play. This wasn't okay with us, so we talked to our DJ and told him what to do.”

“After our first dances, they were called to the dance floor. Confused, they head that way as our DJ starts to explain to the crowd how they were newlyweds robbed of their first dance. Cue their song, and the most precious scene unfolds as Keith is singing to Kala and they get their first dance. I cried so hard. Being able to stand in the back with my husband and watch them experience that moment was one of the best parts of that day.”


Shelby truly has a heart of gold and we adore this story so much. It was easily one of our favorite moments of the wedding day and we are sending so much love to both couples!
