Rissell + Chris Allen | Love At First Sight

Raise your hand if you've ever been sitting there watching a sappy rom-com and been like okay, come on now y'all there is no way this kind of love story happens in real life? Yeah, we've all been there. Today, I'm bringing you one of those, too good to be true, happily ever after love stories. Rissell is from the Dominican Republic and came to Raleigh to visit her nephew. She didn't speak very much English but while she was here she met a handsome stranger at a restaurant who asked for her number. Yep, you guessed it. That handsome stranger is now her husband, Chris. 

Rissell said that they swapped text messaged and he asked her on a date. He took her to a holiday party and introduced her to lots of friends and family.

Meanwhile, keep in mind she still didn't know very much English. She says, "he was very patient and tried to teach me English and he learned a little Spanish to speak with me." (I promise I'm not crying.. you're crying!) How stinking sweet is that! 

In the short time I spent with Rissell and Chris I could tell how much they love each other and how much fun they have together. They have been married almost 7 years and still act like newlyweds, totally and completely in love. So of course, I had to ask them what their tips for newlyweds would be. Chris had some absolutely wonderful advice, "Remember the feeling of when you first met and how you were drawn together. Keep those feelings fresh everyday!" Rissell recommended, "Just have fun with your husband, learn the art of compromise, and never give up on each other." Friends and family also gave them wonderful advice. Never go to sleep mad at one another and always remember to put God first in your marriage. You can tell they do these things in their relationship.

Also, just for fun, I asked their favorite date restaurants. The Cheesecake Factory, Fujisan Japanese Steak House, and Los Tres Magueyes Mexican Restaurant topped their list (I will definetely be trying to two local places soon, they look absolutely delicious!) 

Rissell and Chris, I had a wonderful time with you both and I'm wishing you all the happiness in the world! 


To see the full album go to lacymatusek.shootproof.com/gallery/RissellandChris